Individual Appointments (Akashic Reading and Spiritual Mentoring) - Sementes das Estrelas

Individual Appointments (Akashic Reading and Spiritual Mentoring)

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Dear Seeds

I have news about individual appointments with me! Now for the Star Seeds that speak English, I have a Simultaneous Translator who will help me with the calls. If you speak English wish an appointment with me, to deal private, spiritual, physical issues and understand a little bit of your ancestral past on Earth, on the spiritual and galactic planes, here is the opportunity.

If you want to understand a little more about your stellar origin, which star you came from, what is your mission on Earth and why certain things happen to you, I believe I can help you through accessing your Akashic records.

I leave in the description more details about my services and the means of contact for appointments! My schedule always fills up very quickly when I open it, so take this opportunity if you feel the call.

Gratitude for the opportunity to serve you!

I’m Neva, Ambassador of the Ashtar Command and I also represent the First Alpha Centauri Command in South America.

Whatsapp: +55 41 99822-7832


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